Midterm 2 Review¶
How to use this document¶
Only contains the topics covered after midterm 1
Self-test using this document to see what concepts are challenging to you.
The slides are the most concise and focused document you can start with.
Course content website is the systematic view for tips, pitfalls.
Practice your ability to work on an algorithm on paper. Play with the visualization website to see how the algorithm works step by step.
Refer to the practice exam for the format of the exam and the types of questions.
Refer to the test exam for how the Honorlock will work.
Type of Questions¶
True/False (TF)
Multiple Choice (MC)
Fill in the Blank (FIB)
Matching (MAT) - match a list of items to another list of items
Short Answer/Coding (SA)
Solving Recurrence¶
Recurrence relation
General form: a, b, f(n), T(n) meanings and constraints
Difference from closed form
Three example forms
divide and conquer
linear (first order)
linear (second order)
Solving recurrence
Substitution method
guess the form of the solution
prove by induction
details not needed
Recursion tree method
conversion from/to recurrence relation
estimate complexity (compute the total)
Master theorem
three cases
know the calculation from the recurrence relation
Greedy Algorithm¶
Type of problem it can solve: optimization problem
local optima
greedy choice
no looking back
less complex
approximate algorithm
Compare to backtracking and brute force
Bin packing
NP-hard problem
Brute-force baseline \(\Theta (n!)\)
pre-sorting (descending order of item size) in constructor
next fit (online only)
first fit
best fit
Most intuitive
Best result
Able to code the process
Huffman Coding
Data compression using variable length encoding
Strategy: encode frequent symbols with short codewords
Prefix code (no codeword is a prefix of another codeword)
Optimal code (overall length is minimized)
Prefix code tree
leaf nodes: symbols
internal nodes: prefixes
path from root to leaf: codeword
Greedy algorithm to build the tree
build a min priority queue of frequencies
able to reproduce from a given characters and frequencies
Combinatorics and Counting¶
Sum rule - mutually exclusive choices in one events
Product rule - independent events
Division rule - correct consistent overcounting
Inclusion-exclusion principle
two sets
Pigeonhole principle
Predefined problems and formulas
inferred from product rule
standard \(P^n = n!\), \(P^{n}_{r} = \frac{n!}{(n-r)!}\)
circular \((n-1)!\), \(C^n_r \times (r-1)!\)
with repetition \(n^r\)
multisets (know it exists)
Take permutation and then apply division rule to correct overcounting (know how)
\(C^{n}_{m} = \frac{n!}{(n-m)!m!}\)
allow repetition \(C^{n+r-1}_{r}\) (know it exists)
number of all subsets \(2^n\)
n identical items to r distinct bins
Star and bar method
n distinct items to r distinct bins
integer partition (know it exists)
Know all the symbols and their meanings
Able to map a problem to a type of problem and then apply the formula
direct counting
cases combined by sum/product rule
counting by complement
count by recursion
Employ all examples to understand the principles and strategies
Able to calculate examples with changed parameters (exclude poker game examples)
Know the rank of hands in poker game
Know how the formulas are derived
Divide and Conquer¶
Three stages
Pro and con
understand why
Know how three stages are implemented
Time complexity
know the recurrence relation of typical algorithms
use master theorem to solve them
Cross-Module Concepts¶
Relationship between algorithms
Different types of problem to solve
Exact vs approximate
Complexity (efficiency)
Greedy < Divide and conquer, backtracking < Brute force
Problem types and algorithms to solve them
find one solution (search)
brute force
divide and conquer
find all solutions (enumeration)
brute force
find best solution (optimization)
divide and conquer
genetic algorithm
all find all methods
Best algorithm (covered so far) for certain problem
Bin packing
Huffman coding
Max sum subarray