Final Review

How to use this document

  • Only contains the topics after the midterm 2 and the cross-module concepts

  • Self-test using this document to see what concepts are challenging to you.

  • The slides are the most concise and focused document you can start with.

  • Course supplement material website is the systematic view for tips, pitfalls.

  • Practice your ability to work on an algorithm on paper. Play with the visualization website to see how the algorithm works step by step.

  • Refer to the practice exam for the format of the exam and the types of questions.

  • Refer to the test exam for how the Honorlock will work.

Type of Questions

  • True/False (TF)

  • Multiple Choice (MC)

  • Fill in the Blank (FIB)

  • Matching (MAT) - match a list of items to another list of items

  • Short Answer/Coding (SA)


Dynamic programming

  • Two core components to justify dynamic programming

    • Overlapping subproblems

    • Optimal substructure

  • Other characteristics

  • Approach

    • Top-down (memoization)

    • Bottom-up (tabulation) - preferred for efficiency

  • Complexity depending on the problem

Graph algorithms

  • Concepts

  • Types

  • Graph representation

    • Edge list

    • Adjacency matrix

    • Adjacency list

  • Complexity depending on representations (important)

    • Find all neighbors of a vertex

    • Check if two vertices are connected / or check weight

  • Graph traversal

    • BFS - Queue ADT

    • DFS - Stack ADT or recursive


  • Classic only - all events have equal probability

  • Events

    • range of probability

  • Sample space

  • Principles and rules

    • Complement rule

    • Addition rule

    • Multiplication rule

  • Calculation of classic probability

    • Count first

    • Count of specific events / total number of possible events

    • Example: dice, coin, cards, balls from a bag, lottery

Randomized Algorithms

  • Types

    • Monte Carlo - approximate algorithms to solve hard problems that are impractical to solve exactly

      • Random sampling

      • Use statistics to estimate a property of interest

    • Las Vegas - exact, randomness to improve efficiency

  • Genetic algorithm (employs some Monte Carlo techniques)

Cross-Module Concepts

  • Algorithmic paradigms

    • Greedy

      • Optimization problems

      • Approximate algorithms

        • Exceptions: Huffman coding, Prim’s, Krukal’s, Dijkstra’s will provide the best solution

      • Mostly :math:’Theta(n)`

    • Backtracking

      • Decision/Enumeration problems (can be used for optimization problems)

      • Close to brute force with pruning

    • Divide and conquer

      • Exact algorithms

      • Distinct subproblem only (in this course)

      • Recurrence relation

      • Solve recurrence using master theorem

    • Dynamic programming

      • Exact algorithms

      • Key components

        • Overlapping subproblems

        • Optimal substructure

  • Relationship between algorithms

    • Different types of problem to solve

    • Exact vs approximate

    • Complexity (efficiency)

      • Greedy < Divide and conquer, backtracking, dynamic programming < Brute force

  • Problem types and algorithms to solve them

    • find one solution (search)

      • brute force

      • backtracking

      • divide and conquer

    • find all solutions (enumeration)

      • brute force

      • backtracking

      • dynamic programming

    • find best solution (optimization)

      • greedy

      • divide and conquer

      • genetic algorithm

      • all find all methods

    • Randomized algorithms are employed in may approximate algorithms

  • Problem perspective

    • TSP

      • Optimization

      • NP-hard: prefer approximate algorithms because exact algorithms are not practical

      • Circular permutation

        • \(\Theta(n!)\) brute force

      • Exact algorithms only for small number of cities

        • Brute force

        • DP

      • Approximate algorithms

        • Greedy (not covered)

        • Genetic algorithm

    • Bin packing

      • Optimization

      • NP-hard: prefer approximate algorithms because exact algorithms are not practical

      • Online vs offline

      • DP is possible but greedy is usually good enough but faster

      • Greedy: First fit, best fit, next fit

        • near optimal result

      • Permutation + next fit brute force for small problem size

        • \(\Theta(n!)\)

    • Huffman coding

      • Optimization

      • Priority Queue ADT

      • Full binary tree

      • Prefix code

      • Greedy algorithm as an exact algorithm

        • \(\Theta(n)\)

    • Max sum subarray

      • Optimization

      • Brute force \(\Theta(n^2)\)

      • Divide and conquer \(\Theta(n\log n)\)

      • DP (Kadane’s) \(\Theta(n)\)

      • Know how they work on paper!

    • Chain matrix multiplication

      • Different ways to parenthesize

      • Minimize the number of scalar multiplications (optimization)

      • NP-hard: prefer approximate algorithms

      • Brute force Catalan number impractical

      • Space complexity

      • DP

        • Bottom-up

        • Iterate chain length L, start index i, bisect index k \(\Theta(n^3)\)

    • Longest common subsequence

      • Optimization

      • Brute force \(\Theta(2^n)\)

      • DP

        • Bottom-up

        • \(\Theta(mn)\)

        • (m+1)(n+1) table or 2(m+1) table (find length only)

        • backtracking to find the sequence (know how it works on a table)

    • Graph: Minimal spanning tree

      • Optimization

      • Brute force: find V-1 edges out of E edges without cycle,

      • Prim’s algorithm

        • Priority Queue ADT

        • Greedy

        • Focus on vertices

        • Better for dense graph

        • Start from an arbitrary vertex and grow the tree greedily by adding the shortest edge that connects the tree to a vertex not in the tree

        • Complexity depending on graph representation and priority queue implementation

      • Krukal’s algorithm

        • Sorted array data structure

        • Disjoint set data structure to memorize the forest (unconnected trees)

        • Greedy

        • Focus on edges

        • Better for sparse graph (with less edges)

        • Better for parallel implementation

        • Adding edges in increasing order of weight without loop until all vertices are connected

        • Complexity depending on graph representation and disjoint-set implementation

      • Know how they work on paper!

    • Graph: Shortest path

      • Single source shortest path (SSSP)

        • Dijkstra’s algorithm

          • Priority Queue ADT

          • Greedy

          • Close to Prim’s algorithm

          • Complexity depending on graph representation and priority queue implementation

          • Know how it works on paper!

      • All pairs shortest path (APSP)

        • Floyd-Warshall algorithm

          • DP

          • Bottom-up

          • \(\Theta(n^3)\)

    • Estimation of Pi

      • Monte Carlo

      • Random sampling of x and y

      • Find the ratio of points inside the circle to the total number of points

      • \(\pi = 4 \times ratio\)

      • Know how it works on paper!