Midterm 1 Review

How to use this document

  • Self-test using this document to see what concepts are challenging to you.

  • The slides are the most concise and focused document you can start with.

  • Course content website is the systematic view for tips, pitfalls.

  • Practice your ability to work on an algorithm on paper. Play with the visualization website to see how the algorithm works step by step.

  • Refer to the practice exam for the format of the exam and the types of questions.

  • Refer to the test exam for how the Honorlock will work.

Type of Questions

  • True/False (TF)

  • Multiple Choice (MC)

  • Fill in the Blank (FIB)

  • Matching (MAT) - match a list of items to another list of items

  • Short Answer/Coding (SA)



  • Know the toolchain: g++, make, git

  • Windows environment: WSL only! No MinGW!

  • Building process of modular programs

    • Three steps: preprocessing, compilation, linking

    • Driver vs library/module

    • Multi-step compilation:

      1. Preprocessing + compilation: g++ -c

      2. Linking: g++ without -c

    • Makefile (basics only)

      • Write a simple rule

      • clean target

      • Triggering rules make <target>, make, make <target list>

        • first target is default

  • Code organization

    • Header: public declarations of functions, classes, global variables

    • Source/cpp: everything else

      • Private declarations

      • Definitions

  • Conventions in this class

    • Naming, casing

    • File extensions

    • Documentation and comments

  • git

    • clone, add, commit, push, status


  • Exponent: know the definition

  • Logarithm: know the definition, \(log(n)\) is less complex than \(n\)

  • Modulus: know the definition, applications in random number generation and hash table

  • Proof methods: know definitions

Algorithm Analysis

  • Definition

  • Two types: empirical and theoretical

  • Asymptotic definitions

    • Big-O notation: definition, upper bound

    • Big-Omega notation: definition, lower bound

    • Big-Theta notation: definition, exact bound

    • Little-O notation: definition, upper bound, not asymptotically tight

  • Best/worst/average cases

    • relationship to upper/lower bounds

    • relationship to asymptotic notation

  • Estimate big-O

    • know big-O for common algorithms

Amortized Analysis

  • Definition

  • Motivation


  • Definitions: computer science vs graph theory; recursive

  • Concepts

    • root, leaf, internal nodes

    • parent, child, sibling, ancestor, descendant

    • path, length of path, depth of nodes, level of nodes, height of tree

    • degree of node, degree of tree

    • Able to find and different on a tree diagram

  • Characteristics

    • ordered vs unordered

  • Behaviors

    • traversal: definitions of preorder, inorder (discussed with binary tree), postorder, level-order

    • search: definitions of depth-first search, breadth-first search

    • insertion: discussed in BST

    • deletion: discussed in BST

  • Implementation

    • variable number of children

    • first child, next sibling

Binary Tree

  • Definition: degree 2 ordered tree

  • Three special types

    • full binary tree

    • complete binary tree

    • perfect binary tree

  • Applications

Binary Search Tree

  • Definition of search tree

  • Behaviors: know the details on how they work on paper

    • search

    • insertion: always at leaf

    • deletion: three cases, how successor/predecessor is used

  • Analysis

    • determined by tree height

    • ideal tree height: \(\Theta(\log n)\)

    • worst case tree height: \(\Theta(n)\)

    • degradation of efficiency: unbalance tree or even a list


  • Motivation: avoid degradation of efficiency

  • Definition: height-balanced automatically

AVL Tree

  • Name: Adelson-Velskii and Landis

  • Balance factor: \(BF = h_l - h_r\), know how to calculate on diagram

  • Balance condition: \(BF \in \{-1, 0, 1\}\)

  • Self-balancing

    • triggered: insertion/deletion causes balance factor to be +2/-2

    • recursively check balance factor and rotate from bottom up

  • Imbalance and rotation

    • Know how they work on paper

    • LL imbalance - LL rotation/right rotation

    • RR imbalance - RR rotation/left rotation

    • LR imbalance - LR rotation/left-right double rotation

    • RL imbalance - RL rotation/right-left double rotation


  • Name: Bayer and McCreight, Balanced tree

  • N-ary search tree

  • Application:

    • index in file system and database

  • Always balanced

  • Behaviors

    • search

    • insertion

      • always at leaf

      • adjustment when full

        • split and promote middle key

        • check full recursively from bottom up to root

    • deletion

      • internal or leaf node

      • how successor/predecessor is used when deleting from internal node

      • adjustment when underfill

        • borrow from sibling

        • merge with sibling

B+ Tree

  • Difference from B-tree

    • internal nodes do not store data

    • leaf nodes are linked together

  • Pro and con vs B-tree

    • sequential and range access

    • less key redistribution between internal nodes and leaves

  • Application:

    • index in file system and database

Problem Classification By The Goal

  • Enumeration

  • Search

  • Optimization

  • Decision

  • Counting

  • Evaluation

Algorithmic Classification

  • By Paradigm

    • brute force

    • divide and conquer

    • greedy

    • dynamic programming

    • backtracking

    • branch and bound (not covered)

  • By data structure

    • array

    • linked list

    • tree

    • graph

  • By characteristics

    • Exact vs approximate

    • Deterministic vs randomized (non deterministic)

    • Neuristic and metaheuristic


  • Definition

  • No optimization, pruning, or heuristic

  • Exact algorithms

  • Can solve optimization, enumeration, search

  • Exponent or factorial time complexity


  • Definition

  • Two approaches

    • recursive: base case, recursive case, backtracking operation

    • iterative: use of stack

  • Feasibility check to reject partial solutions

  • Backtracking operation when partial solution is rejected

  • Steps in pseudocode

Genetic Algorithm

  • Inspiration from natural evolution

  • Approximation algorithm

    • not guaranteed to find the optimal solution

    • can find a good solution in a reasonable amount of time

  • Characteristics: brief understanding

  • Concepts

    • population

    • individual and encoding - binary, integer, real-valued, permutation

    • selection - roulette wheel, tournament selection

    • fitness

    • crossover - one-point crossover, two-point crossover

    • mutation - bit flip, swap mutation

    • replacement - elitism, generational replacement, steady-state replacement

  • Parameters

    • population size

    • crossover rate

    • mutation rate

    • number of generations (if not using other termination condition)

  • Steps in pseudocode