COP 3530 Data Structure and Algorithm Design¶
This course is the first of a two-course sequence on algorithms and data structures. It is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in the design, analysis, and implementation of algorithms and data structures.
Students are expect to have a good understanding of the C++ programming language and basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms before starting this course.
Prerequisite Class¶
COP3014 Algorithm and Program Design
General Contents¶
- Module 1 Environment and Course Overview
- Module 2 Modular Design, GNU Make and Testing
- Module 3 Memory Management, Rule of Three
- Module 4 Algorithm Analysis
- Module 5 Recursion
- Module 6 Templates
- Module 7 List ADT and Linked-list
- Module 8 Stack, Queue, Deque ADTs
- Module 9 Sorting
- Module 10 Hashing
- Module 11 Tree
- Module 12 Heap and Priority Queue
- Module 13 Brute-Force and Backtracking Algorithm
- Module 14 Graph