Midterm 1 Topic Review

How to use this document

  • Self-test using this document to see what concepts are challenging to you

  • Course notes document is the main resource for tips, pitfalls. High priority in midterm preparation.

  • Review all participation activities and challenge activities in zyBook

  • Practice your ability to finish the patterns listed here from scratch without the help from any editor/ IDE


Basic Concepts

  • Algorithms

  • Data structure definition and characteristics

  • Abstract Data Type (ADT) definition and characteristics

  • relationships


  • Command-line interface (CLI)

    • add prefix ./ to run an executable in the current directory

  • keyboard input

  • screen output

  • Basic Linux bash command: ls, mkdir, cd, rm, mv, vi/vim, ssh

  • Compilation command: g++

  • Building: make

  • git

    • clone

    • add

    • status

    • commit

    • push

Modular Compilation

  • g++

    • three stages in compilation:

      • preprocessing (handle directives in the cpp files)

      • compilation (cpp file to object file)

      • linking (object files to executable)

    • -c to compile (no linking)

    • -o to specify the output file name

  • Header file (hpp file)

    • public declarations

    • include other headers

    • header guard

    • may include implementation as in-line methods of a class

  • Implementation file (cpp file)

    • function implementations

    • include its own header if exist, and other headers to be used in the implementations

  • Preproccessor derivatives

    • #include “filename.hpp”

    • #include <sys library>

    • header guard

  • Multi-file compilation

    • Module

      • hpp/cpp file pair per class (group of classes)

      • hpp/cpp file pair per group of functions

    • Driver/Runner

      • main.cpp, test.cpp, driver.cpp or other names

      • main function

  • Make

    • automate the building process

    • syntax in makefile

      <target> : <dependencies/prerequisites>
    • example

      main : main.o lib1.o
              g++ -o main main.o lib1.o
    • command-line invoke

      • make to build the first target

      • make <target name> to build a specific target

      • multiple targets allowed like make clean main

Memory management

  • Memory sections for C++ programs

    • static

    • code

    • stack

    • heap

  • Pointer data-type revisit

    • stores memory address

    • e.g. int *intPointer1; to define a pointer to point to an int value

    • dereference operator *: cout << *intPointer1;

    • reference operator &: int *intPtr1 = &a

    • nullptr

    • range not checked, need to be carefully managed by the programmer

  • Dynamic array

  • new and delete operators

    • new creates the data structure in heap memory and returns a pointer (or array):

    int int *intPtr = new int;
    int *array1 = new int[10];
    MyClass *myObj = new MyClass();
    • delete destruct the data structure the pointer is pointing to and release the memory:

    delete intPtr;
    delete [] array1;
    delete myObj;
  • memory leak

    • only happens in the heap memory region

    • new operations without corresponding delete operations

  • memory management in classes

    • implicitly-declared methods

    • shallow copy

    • the big three

      • what are they - destructor, copy constructor, copy assignment operator

      • when are they needed

      • how are they triggered

      • how to implement

  • reference type

    • implicitly stores memory address

    • mostly used when passing/returning values to/from a function

Algorithm Analysis

  • Complexity

    • Essential resources used by an algorithm

      • time \(T(n)\)

      • space \(S(n)\)

    • algorithm may not have a constant complexity

      • best case

      • worst case (most important)

    • growth of an algorithm complexity

      • lower bound - best case

      • upper bound - worst case

      • exact bound - when upper and lower bounds are same

  • Analysis

    • Big O - most important

    • Big \(\Omega\)

    • Big \(\Theta\)

    • \(T(n)\) estimation - important

      • approximation: treat each statement or expression as a constant time operation

  • Calculation

    • addition: more complex one dominate less complex ones:

      \(\Theta(1) + \Theta(n) + \Theta(\log n) = \Theta(n)\)

    • multiplication, e.g. \(\Theta(1)*\Theta(n)*\Theta(\log n) = \Theta(n \log n)\)

    • Simplification of \(\Theta(f(n))\)

      • \(\Theta(3n^2+5n+10) = \Theta(n^2)\)

  • Know the complexities of well-known algorithms

    • search

    • sort

    • sequence comparison (array equal, palindrome)


  • function call mechanism

    • one stack frame in stack memory per function call

    • keeps local variables and formal parameters in the stack frame

    • may overflow

  • a function that calls itself (directly or indirectly)

  • may be an alternative way to write iterative algorithms

  • recursive definition

    • e.g. factorial, Fibonacci, binary search, merge sort

    • base case - where the recursion may stop at

    • recursive case - where the same algorithm is applied to a smaller/simpler case

    • may have multiple base cases and recursive cases

    • may need helper functions

  • recursive thinking

    • translate recursive definition to code

    • rewrite iterative algorithms in a recursive way

  • recursion complexity analysis

    • recursion trees diagram

    • how many round of recursive call

      • how problem size reduced in each round

    • time/space complexity each round

Frequently Tested Contents

  • Finish coding on paper or in plain text editor like notepad

  • Write a full program with multiple files

  • Write a full class

    • single file or multiple file

    • inline or not inline

    • with the big-three

  • Write function/class according to usages/tests

  • Calculate \(T(n)\) given a snippet

  • Pass-by-ref functions/methods

  • Recursive algorithms as functions

  • Pitfalls! Find them in the notes. Some are listed here.

    • disposable object syntax patients[i] = Patient("John", 23);

    • constructor triggering. E.g. copy constructor vs copy assignment

    • constructor only syntax: no return type, initializer list

    • not releasing old data in copy assignment operator overloading

    • missing destructor

    • use public/private as method prefix rather than sections

    • forget ; after } in class declaration

    • confuse :math`T(n)` with :math`Theta(f(n))`

    • confuse delete with delete []

    • confuse . with ->

    • confuse additive and multiplicative in analysis

    • recursive function with no termination cases

    • confusion in the order of big-O. e.g. \(\Theta(\log n) > \Theta(n)\)