Summary of Abstract Data types


This document summarized all ADTs covered in typical data structures and algorithms courses.

Read the introduction if you are new to ADTs.


List ADT

A collection of elements, each identified by an index. The index of the first element is 0, the index of the second element is 1, and so on.

Stack ADT

A collection of elements. The last element added is the first element removed (LIFO).

Queue ADT

A collection of elements. The first element added is the first element removed (FIFO).

Deque ADT

A collection of elements. The element to be removed is either the first element added (FIFO) or the last element added (LIFO).

Priority Queue ADT

A collection of elements, each with an associated priority. The element removed is the one with the highest/lowest priority.


A collection of key-value pairs, where each key is unique.


A collection of unique elements.


  • List ADT

    • insert before/after index/value

    • delete by index/value

    • find by value

    • update by index

    • get

    • length

  • Stack ADT

    • push

    • pop

    • peek/top

    • isEmpty

  • Queue ADT

    • enqueue

    • dequeue

    • peek

    • isEmpty

  • Deque ADT

    • enqueue front

    • enqueue back

    • dequeue front

    • dequeue back

    • peek front

    • peek back

    • isEmpty

  • Priority Queue ADT

    • enqueue

    • dequeue

    • peek

    • isEmpty

  • Map ADT

    • set a key-value pair, a.k.a. put

    • delete by key

    • find by key

    • update a value by key (can be merged with set)

    • length

  • Set ADT

    • insert

    • delete

    • find

    • length


  • List ADT

    • partially filled array

      • get/set by index: \(O(1)\)

      • insert/delete by index: \(O(n)\) to maintain order, \(O(1)\) if order is not important

      • find by value: \(O(n)\)

    • linked list

      • get/set by index: \(O(n)\)

      • insert/delete by pointer: \(O(1)\)

      • insert/delete by index: \(O(n)\)

      • find by value: \(O(n)\)

  • Stack ADT

    • partially filled array \(O(1)\) (add/remove at the end)

    • linked list \(O(1)\)

  • Queue/Deque ADT

    • circular partially filled array \(O(1)\)

    • linked list \(O(1)\)

  • Priority Queue ADT

    • heap \(O(\log n)\)

    • sorted array

      • add \(O(n)\)

      • remove \(O(1)\)

    • unsorted array

      • add \(O(1)\)

      • remove \(O(n)\)

  • Map/Set ADT

    • hash table \(O(1)\) (when healthy)

    • balanced binary search tree \(O(\log n)\)