Binary search tree¶
The motivation behind using a Binary Search Tree (BST) as a data structure lies in its ability to efficiently support key-based operations, such as searching, insertion, and deletion, while maintaining a sorted order of elements.
A binary search tree (BST) is a binary tree, in which for every node, its left subtree has values less than the node’s value, and every node’s right subtree has values greater than the node’s value.
Stores key-value pairs
Stores a set of elements (keys)
Traversal: Visit all nodes in a tree in a certain order
in-order: for each node: left-subtree, self, right-subtree
provides an ascending-ordered sequence of values
pre-order: for each node: self, left-subtree, right-subtree
post-order: for each node: left-subtree, right-subtree, self
Implementation Details¶
Algorithms that happens from top to bottom
Easy to implement either iteratively or recursively
Algorithms that happens from bottom to top
Easy to implement recursively; Hard to implement iteratively (must use stack)
subtree removal (may be used in the destruction of a tree)
find min node or find max node (part of remove)
in-order traversal
pre-order traversal
Drawbacks and Solutions¶
Algorithm efficiency depends on the average height of the BST
BST may degrade a very unbalanced form or even to a linked list
Randomize the order of insertion
Add a balancing mechanism
self-balancing tree
external balancing (FYI)
Move the most recently accessed node toward the root
Only optimize the search performance for a specific access pattern
No guarantee for the worst case
Splay tree
Applications of BST¶
Indexing: store a set of references in a BST and use the key as the search key
Tree Sort: sort a sequence of numbers by building a BST and then traversing it in-order
Tree Map: store a set of (key, value) pairs in a BST and use the key as the search key
Tree Set: store a set of elements in a BST and use the element as the search key
Important Binary Search Tree Variations¶
Self-balancing BSTs
AVL tree
Red-black tree
Self-adjusting BSTs (other than self-balancing)
Splay tree