Radix Sort


The concept behind Radix Sort can be traced back to traditional manual sorting methods used long before the advent of digital computers.

Radix Sort is a non-comparative sorting algorithm that processes individual digits of numbers to sort them. It handles one digit at a time, starting either from the most significant digit (MSD) or the least significant digit (LSD), and groups numbers based on each digit. Typically used for sorting integers or strings, it follows a digit-by-digit approach until all the digits have been considered.


  • Non-comparison-based sorting algorithm

  • Only works with integers, strings whose length is finite

  • Digit/character-based

  • Stable

  • Out-of-place

Algorithm Details

  • There are many variations depending on what type of data to sort.

  • Example Steps (sorting decimal integers)

    1. Initialize a list of buckets, one for each digit (0-9)

    2. Group by digits (two methods):

      • LSD: Start from the least significant digit (rightmost) and group the numbers into buckets based on that digit

      • MSD: Start from the most significant digit (leftmost) and group the numbers into buckets based on that digit

    3. Collect the numbers from the buckets in order

    4. Move to the next digit and repeat the group and collect steps until all digits have been processed

  • Other details

    • Zero-padding

    • Negative number support

    • Bucket storage

      • Single array method

        • Create a new array of size n to store the buckets

        • Use an array of size 10 (0-9) to store the sizes of buckets

        • Scan the original array to calculate the sizes and the starting indices of buckets

        • Scan the original array again to group elements into buckets and then copy them back to the original array

        • Move to the next digit and repeat the steps above until all digits have been processed

      • Multiple arrays/vectors

        • Create 10 arrays/vectors to store the buckets


  • Time: \(\Theta(nk)\)

    • n: number of elements

    • k: number of digits

  • Space: \(\Theta(n+k)\) (single array method)

  • When k is a constant or much smaller than n, time complexity is \(\Theta(n)\).
