

Backtracking is a general algorithmic technique that involves exploring all possible solutions to a problem by building solution candidates incrementally and abandoning a candidate (“backtracking”) as soon as it is determined that the candidate cannot be extended to a valid solution. It’s essentially a trial and error approach, where potential solutions are built piece by piece and abandoned when they fail to meet the necessary criteria.

Backtracking is a fundamental concept in computer science, especially in the domain of algorithms and problem-solving. It’s particularly useful for solving constraint satisfaction problems, optimization problems, and combinatorial problems. Some classic examples include the N-Queens puzzle, the traveling salesman problem, and various game-solving algorithms like Sudoku. Its importance lies in its ability to find solutions to problems where the solution space is vast and cannot be traversed in a straightforward manner. By systematically trying out different solutions and backtracking when necessary, efficient solutions can be found for many complex problems.

Core Concepts

  • Backtracking operation:

    The backtracking operation is the core of the backtracking algorithm. The backtrack operation is used to undo a decision and try another decision at a decision point.

  • Decision Space:

    The decision space refers to all the possible options or choices available at any given point in the problem-solving process. In backtracking, not all decisions in this space lead to a valid solution. The algorithm explores these decisions systematically, often visualized as a tree or graph, where each node represents a decision.

  • Feasibility Checks:

    Before or after making a decision, it’s essential to check if the current path being taken is feasible. This involves ensuring that the current solution candidate adheres to the problem’s constraints. If a decision fails the feasibility check, the algorithm will backtrack to a previous decision point.

  • Solution Space:

    The solution space encompasses all potential solutions to the problem. It’s the set of all paths or decision sequences that lead to a valid solution. Backtracking navigates this space by exploring and discarding paths, aiming to find one or more paths that lead to a valid solution.


Implementation may vary depending on the problem, but the general approach is either recursive or iterative. The recursive approach is more intuitive. The iterative approach requires the use of a stack data structure to keep track of the current state and the current path being explored.

  • Recursive approach

function BACKTRACKING-SOLUTION(problem):
    if problem is a base case:
        return solution to the base case
    for each option in problem:
        if option is valid:
            make the option
            result = BACKTRACKING-SOLUTION(sub-problem created by the option)
            if result is a valid solution:
                return result
            undo the option (backtrack)
    return no solution found
  • Iterative approach

    • Stack data structure

    create an empty stack S
    push initialProblem onto S

    while S is not empty:
        currentProblem = top of S

        if currentProblem is a solution:
            return currentProblem

        if currentProblem has unexplored options:
            nextOption = get next unexplored option for currentProblem

            if nextOption is valid:
                push nextOption onto S
                mark nextOption as explored for currentProblem

            // All options for currentProblem have been explored, backtrack
            pop S

    return no solution found
  • Variations according to the goal

    • find one solution

    • find all solutions

Application Domain

Backtracking algorithms are often used for optimization problems and combinatorial problems, where you need to search through a large solution space. They can be very efficient when implemented correctly, as they prune the search space by discarding branches that are guaranteed not to lead to a solution.

  • Enumeration (find all)

  • Decision (find one)

  • Optimization (find the best)

    • Find all and then select the best

    • Not as efficient as branch and bound

Example problems

  • Sudoku

  • Eight queens

  • Cross-word


Backtracking vs Brute-force



Search space

Generate part of the intermediate and final states

Generate all intermediate and final states

Constraint application

Reject partial solutions

Validate final states






Nested Loops/Recursion

Problem type

find one/find all

usually find all