Heap and Heap Sort


  • Definition

    A complete binary tree in which parent node is always less/greater (min/max heap) or equal (if allow overlapped values) than its children

  • Logically a binary complete tree

  • physically an array

    • find parent/children by arithmetic calculation of indices

      • given the node \(i\)

      • the index of the parent node is \((i-1)/2\)

      • the indices of the children nodes are left: \(i*2+1\) and right: \(i*2+2\)

  • type

    • max heap - root being the greatest value

    • min heap - root being the smallest value

  • behaviors

    • insert

      • insert at the end

      • swap with its parent if it violate the rule (percolate up)

      • keep checking all ancestors till the root is reached

    • remove

      • remove the root by overwriting it using the last element

      • swap the parent node with its least/greatest child starting from the root until the leaf node is reached (percolate down)

    • percolate up/down

      • move one element up/down in an existing heap

    • Heap creation

      1. Insert element one by one to a new heap. \(\Theta(n \log n)\)

      2. Heapify: Percolate down all internal nodes in the order from the last to the root \(\Theta(n)\)

        • repeatedly percolate from the index \(size/2-1\) to \(0\)

digraph tree {
  26 -> {25 17}[color=red];
  25 -> {7 19}[color=green];
  17 -> {2 4}[color=blue];
  7 -> {1 5}[color=violet];

A max heap (tree form)

digraph arr {
  arr[label="<f0> 26|<f1> 25|<f2> 17|<f3> 7|<f4> 19|<f5> 2|<f6> 4|<f7> 1|<f8> 5"];
  arr:f0:n -> arr:f1:n[color=red];
  arr:f0:n -> arr:f2:n[color=red];
  arr:f1:s -> arr:f3:s[color=green];
  arr:f1:s -> arr:f4:s[color=green];
  arr:f2:s -> arr:f5:s[color=blue];
  arr:f2:s -> arr:f6:s[color=blue];
  arr:f3:n -> arr:f7:n[color=violet];
  arr:f3:n -> arr:f8:n[color=violet];

A max heap (array form)


  • Heap sort

  • Priority queue


Priority queue

  • Not really a queue or stack because the dequeue order is not related to the enqueue order

  • any in min/max out

  • behaviors mostly same as a queue

    • enqueue

    • dequeue

    • peek

    • isEmpty

    • length

  • Implementations

    • heap best

    • sorted array, sorted insert to insert

    • sorted linked-list, sorted insert to insert