Module 2: Parallel Hardware and Software

Serial System

The traditional von Neumann architecture

  • CPU

    • Control unit

    • Arithmetic logic unit (ALU)

  • Memory

  • Input/Output (I/O)

Operating system

  • Process

    • Multitasking

  • Thread


  • Definition: A cache is a smaller, faster type of volatile computer memory that provides high-speed data access to the processor and stores frequently used computer programs, applications, and data.

  • Locality

    • Temporal locality

      • A memory location that is referenced once is likely to be referenced again soon.

    • Spatial locality

      • A memory location near the location that is referenced once is likely to be referenced again soon.

  • Leveled

    • L1, L2, L3, … from faster/smaller to slower/larger

  • Cache line

  • Cache address mapping

  • Cache hit/miss

  • Cache mapping

    • Direct mapping (temporal locality)

      • Select one cache line to store in the cache

      • A line of data can be stored in any cache line

    • Full associative mapping (spatial locality)

      • Select a block around the line of data and store the whole block in the cache

      • The whole cache is occupied by the block

      • A line of data can only be stored in one cache line

    • Set-associative mapping (both)

      • Split the cache into several sets

      • Select a block around the line of data and store the whole block in the cache

      • A set is occupied by the block

      • A line of data can only be stored in one cache line per set. Thus, there are the number of sets possible way to store the line of data.

  • Cache eviction policy

Virtual memory

  • Use secondary storage as an extension of main memory

  • Page - Fixed length block

  • Swapping - unused page moved to secondary storage

  • Virtual address

  • Page table - mapping from virtual address to physical address

    • Translation lookaside buffer (TLB) - cache for page table

  • Page fault - page not in memory

Instruction level parallelism (ILP)

Internal feature of a CPU to allow parallelism. Hardware dependant.

  • pipeline - unique subunit

  • multiple issue - replicated subunits

Thread level parallelism (TLP)

Parallel Hardware

  • Type of parallelism

    • data parallelism

    • task parallelism

Flynn’s taxonomy

  • Single instruction single data stream (SISD)

    • classic von Neumann

  • Single instruction multiple data (SIMD)

    • Vector processor

      • Dedicated vector processor

      • General CPUs with vector instructions

        • Intel SIMD intrinsics: MMX, SSE, AVX

    • GPUs single core (Graphical Processing Unit)

  • Multiple instruction multiple data stream (MIMD)

    • Types

      • shared-memory

      • distributed memory

Shared-memory SIMD

  • Memory access

    • UMA (Uniform Memory Access)

    • NUMA (Non-Uniform Memory Access)

  • interconnections

    • bus

    • switch

      • crossbar

Distributed-memory SIMD

  • interconnections

    • direct (nodes are connected by a single switch)

      • fully connected

      • hypercube

    • indirect (nodes are connected by multiple switches)

      • crossbar

      • omega network

    • Time to send a message

      • latency - preparation time

      • bandwidth - transfer time

      • \(time = latency + size/bandwidth\)

    • bisect width/bandwidth

Cache coherence in shared-memory system

  • Solutions

    • snooping

    • directory

  • false sharing - different part of a cache line is shared

Parallel Software

  • Focus on Single program multiple data (SPMD) programs

    • A single program is executed by multiple processes/threads/nodes

    • Each process/thread/node executes the same program

    • Each process/thread/node has its own data

Shared-memory system

  • Threads

    • Dynamic threads

      • fork-join model

    • Static threads

  • Communicating by I/O to the shared memory

    • nondeterminism

      • racing condition

      • critical section

      • mutual exclusion lock (MUTEX)

  • Input/Output

    • Always have one thread for stdin

    • Usually have one thread for stdout, stderr

  • Thread-safety

  • Libraries

    • POSIX thread (fork-join model)

    • OpenMP

Distributed-memory system

  • Communicating by message passing

  • The Message-Passing Interface (MPI) standard

    • MPICH

    • OpenMPI

Performance Model


  • Serial run-time \(T_{serial}\)

  • Parallel run-time \(T_{parallel}\)

  • Number of processes/threads/nodes \(p\)

  • Problem size \(N\)


  • Speedup \(S = T_{serial}/T_{parallel}\)

  • Efficiency \(E = \frac{S}{p} = \frac{T_{serial}}{p \cdot T_{parallel}}\)


  • Ideal

    • \(S = T_{serial}/T_{parallel} = p\)

  • With overhead

    • \(T_{parallel} = T_{serial}/p + T_{overhead}\)

    • \(S = T_{serial}/T_{parallel} < p\)

  • Amdahl’s law

    • Let \(f\) be the fraction of the program that can be parallelized

    • Then the speedup

      \(S = \frac{1}{(1-f) + \frac{f}{p}}\)

    • Diminishing return

Amdahl's law
  • Scalability

    • strong scaling

      • Constant \(E\) with increasing \(p\) for a fixed \(N\)

      • plot:

        • \(E\) vs \(P\)

        • fixed \(N\)

        • Expect nearly flat line

    • weak

      • Constant \(E\) with increasing \(p\) for a fixed \(N/p\) ratio

      • plot:

        • \(E\) vs \(P\)

        • fixed \(N/p\)

        • Expect nearly flat line

  • Timing

Parallel Program Design

  • Foster’s methodology

    1. Partition

    2. Communication

    3. Agglomeration

    4. Mapping

  • Histogram example

    • code example available

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