Module 1: Introduction To Parallel Programming

Prerequisite Contents


  • Moore’s law

    • chip density hits the physical limit

    • single core performance hits the physical limit

    • multi-core system emerge

  • Hardware price drops

    • CPU

    • Memory

    • Storage

    • Network devices

  • In need of parallel program

    • It is challenging

      • Hard to translate sequential program to parallel program

      • Hard to debug parallel program

    • Catch up with the rapid development of parallel hardware


  • Concurrent

    • can be fake parallelism based on fast switching

    • e.g. Unix Time-sharing system

  • Parallel

    • Tightly coupled

    • e.g. High performance computing cluster

    • e.g. Supercomputer

  • Distributed

    • Loosely coupled

    • grid computation

    • e.g. crypto network

Fundamental strategies

  • A.k.a parallelism patterns, type of parallelism

  • Data parallelism

    • divide the data into chunks

    • each chunk is processed in parallel

  • Task parallelism

    • divide the program into tasks

    • each task is executed in parallel

  • Hybrid

    • combine data parallelism and task parallelism


  • Synchronization

    • lock

    • barrier

  • Communication

    • message passing

    • shared memory

  • Load balancing

    • static

    • dynamic

Parallel programming models

  • Shared memory

    • OpenMP

    • Pthreads

  • Message passing (distributed memory)

    • MPI

  • Data parallel

    • OpenCL (FYI)

    • CUDA (FYI)

  • Task parallel

    • OpenMP

  • Hybrid

    • MPI + OpenMP

    • MPI + Pthreads