Midterm 2 Topic Review

How to use this document

  • All contents covered in Midterm I will not be specifically tested but will likely to be used in the questions.

  • Self-test using this document to see what concepts are challenging to you

  • Course notes document is the main resource for tips, pitfalls. High priority in midterm preparation.

  • Review all participation activities and challenge activities in zyBook

  • Practice your ability to finish the patterns listed here from scratch without the help from any editor/ IDE

Pointer, Memory Management

  • Memory regions

    • code: code

    • static: global and static variables

    • stack: local variables and function parameters

    • heap: dynamic data

  • Pointer type

    • declaration; derived type with *

    • reference operator & (variable -> it’s memory address)

    • dereference operator * (memory address -> variable/lvalue it points to)

    • nullptr

    • segmentation error (trying to access an invalid pointer)

  • Dynamic data

    • new keyword

    • delete keyword

    • new and delete arrays with []

    • memory leak and how to avoid

  • Differentiate from reference type

    • revisit reference type

    • know the difference


  • C array

    • local array int arr[10];

      • size must be literal or constant

    • dynamic array int *arr = new int[10];

    • [] and * syntax interconversion arr[n] vs *(arr + n)

    • two parts in memory: pointer and data

      • local array - both parts are local

      • dynamic array - pointer is local, data is in heap

    • local array initialization syntax int arr[10] = {};

    • initialization of dynamic arrays using for loops

    • local/dynamic arrays as function parameters

    • dynamic array as as return type

  • C string

    • partially filled char array

    • terminator ‘\0’ character

    • cstring header

      • strlen

      • strcmp

      • strcpy

      • strcat

  • C++ string

    • methods (member functions)

    • extraction getline mixed usage

      • do-while loop to protect getline

  • Building blocks of algorithms

    • for loops

    • while loops

    • degree of freedom

    • index manipulation size - 1 - i

    • know the meaning of looping variables

  • Algorithms on linear data types (C array, C string, and C++ string)

    • search

      • element

      • sub sequence

      • early return

    • compare

      • two arrays - are same or are reverse

      • internal - is a palindrome

      • early return

    • aggregate/reduce

      • sequence -> single value

      • must visit all element

    • map

      • sequence -> sequence of the same size

      • can be in-place

    • filter

      • sequence -> shorter sequence

      • to be covered when vector is introduced

    • sort

      • selection

      • insertion

Advanced Array

  • Multidimensional array

    • array of arrays concept (diagrams)

    • declaration

    • initialization with nested loops

    • for loop manipulation - nested

    • dynamic 2D array

      • new []

      • delete []

      • for loop

    • as function parameters

      • [] syntax - last size can be omitted

        • syntax (preferred)

    • as a return value

      • dynamic array

    • algorithms

      • tasks done on each row/column

      • flip vertically/horizontally

      • transpose

  • Object array

    • to model 2D relational table (like excel tables)

    • temporary object assignment patients[i] = Patient("John Smith", 21, 173);

Frequently Tested Contents

  • must be able to finish coding on paper or plain text editor like notepad

  • Write a full program project in a single file

  • Write a full program project with multiple files

  • text menu handling

  • input with validation

  • expressions with pointer/array

    • know pointer operators *, &

    • example expressions

      • e.g. if int *a = &b, the *a is same as b

      • arr[n] *(arr + n)

      • (*a)++

  • C string algorithms

    • char array declaration

    • for loop based on the terminator ‘\0’

    • 1 extra space to store data

    • existing string functions: strlen, strcpy, strcmp, strcat

  • dynamic array

    • why using dynamic array

    • memory allocation with new

    • memory release with delete []

  • difference of in-place vs out-of-place algorithms

  • 1D array algorithms IMPORTANT

    Know how to write; know how to mimic the run on paper.

    • search

    • compare two arrays, compare internally

    • sort

    • aggregate/reduce - sum, average, count, etc.

    • map

  • array as function parameter

  • dynamic array as the returned value of a function

  • user input with mixed extractions and getlines

  • 2D array

    • as function parameters very tricky!

    • allocation using for loop

    • delete using for loop

    • initialization using for loops

  • 2D array algorithms

    • flip

    • transpose

    • rotate

    • initialize to a specific format


  • pointer

    • referring to an uninitialized pointer

    • mismatched assignment, parameter passing

      • int *a = b; // b is an int

  • array

    • out of boundary index cout << arr[size];

    • mismatched passing

      • cout << average(arr[size], size);

      • cout << average(arr[], size);

    • pass without size cout << average(arr);

    • Java syntax int []arr; double average(double [] arr, int size);

    • using initialization syntax for assignment int arr[4]; arr = {1,2,3,4};

  • 2d array

    • new with more than one [] int **twoD = new int[3][4]

    • bad function parameter

      • void flip(int twoDimArr[rows][cols], int rows, int cols);

      • void flip(int twoDimArr[][], int rows, int cols);

      • void flip(int [][] twoDimArr, int rows, int cols);

  • dynamic array

    • Java syntax int [] arr = new int[10];

    • forget to delete []

    • use delete without []

    • 2D

      • new or delete using more than one []