Midterm 1 Topic Review¶
How to prepare¶
Self-test using this document to see what concepts are challenging or unknown to you
Course notes website is the main resource for tips, pitfalls. High priority in midterm preparation.
Review all participation activities and challenge activities in zyBook
Practice your ability to finish the coding patterns listed here from scratch without the assistance from the editor/ IDE
Command-line interface (CLI)
add prefix
to run an executable in the current directory
keyboard input (will wait for enter key)
screen output
Basic Linux bash command: ls, mkdir, cd, rm, mv, vi/vim, man, ssh
Compilation command:
fundamental flags
step-wise compilation
Understand hard-coded rules (makefile variables not required in exam)
General C++ concepts¶
name/identifier rule
digit, letter, underscore
digit cannot be first character
avoid conflict with keyword
Three ype of errors
line //
block /* */
documentation - comments above declarations to document classes or functions
Manually debugging - run code, provide different input and check output
tracing - add
cout <<
statements to your code to show values of variables
Write additional code to feed various input (parameters) to functions/methods and check whether the outputs are as expected
assert macro (similar to function)
cassert header
Variable & expressions¶
integer division
truncate, loose precision
int only!
type cast/conversion
explicit/type cast
avoid C style type conversion like
(int) variable
(points off in exam)
assignment to a variable of a different type. E.g.
int a = 4.5;
mixed operation like
3 + 5.0
(a type of smaller range automatically converted to a type of larger range)parameter passing (same as initialization/assignment)
bitwise know they exist, should not confuse with logical ops
precedence rule
complex expression evaluation
textual literals
char ‘a’
string “string”
escape sequence
Array basics
declaration syntax with []
size must me a compilation-time constant (literal or const variable)
initialization syntax (size infer)
element access with the
Reference basics
declaration with mandatory initialization
an alias of a variable
mostly used in parameter passing
Control flows¶
Three types
do-while (cannot handle all scenarios)
statements with child blocks
no statement like
if (expr1);
(meaningless but compilable)one statement like
if (expr1) statement;
code block like
if (expr1) {statement; ...}
while; do-while; for
if-else; switch
declaration/prototype syntax
public declarations should be in header files if they exist
may omit parameter name
definitions/implementation syntax
in cpp files if they exist
must have parameter name
may have default value
function call syntax (no parameter types)
Default value for parameters
from right to left
should only appear once, either in declaration or in definition
strongly recommended to put in declaration only
parameter passing
pass-by-value (default way)
use & after the type in the formal parameter list
must use a single variable as the actual parameter in function call
formal parameter will serve as an alias of the actual parameter
reason 1: avoid copying large obj (may use const to avoid modification)
reason 2: modify the actual parameters passed to it
function overloading
same name but different parameter types, count or order
function call matching
exact match
match with compatible types
things that do not count
differ only in return type
differ only in names of formal parameters
block scope (for loop example)
shadowing example
class is a type
object/instance is a variable of a class type
member variables / instance variables
member functions / methods
access modifier
section based (different from Java)
private (default)
static members (know they exist, details not required)
class declaration
public declarations should be in header files if they exist
may contain implementation (in-line function)
may omit formal parameter names (not recommended)
member function definition (out-of-line)
should be in cpp files
must use :: operator to specify the ownership of the functions
must have formal parameter names
member variable access and member function call
this pointer
use -> syntax to access members
can be omitted when name does not conflict
const function (not const variables or const parameters)
const keyword after the parenthesis in both declaration and definition
prevent a function from modifying any member variables
getters for example
member function overloading
special member functions
may overload
default constructor
parameterized constructor
no return type
same name as the class
only one
no parameter
no return type
before the name of the class
syntax when name conflicts
Modular Development¶
a pair of header/implementation files per class (or a group of classes)
a pair of header/implementation files per group of functions
Runner/driver - usually main.cpp file, with a main function
.hpp header file in a module
header guard (#ifndef, #define, #endif)
public declarations of class(es) or function(s)
include only libraries required by declarations
.cpp file in a module
include libraries required by the implementation (function/method definitions)
declarations used in the current file only
function/method definitions
.cpp file as a driver/runner
main function
Never include cpp files!!!
handles all three steps of the compilation process
flag to preprocess and compile only; generate object files (usually named as .o files)use
flag to specify the name of the output file (either executable or object file)use
flag to display all warningsuse
to follow the C++ 2014 standardnever provide .hpp file to g++ commands!
know the simple g++ commands
use of variables in makefile will not be tested!
automate the building (preprossing, compilation, linking) process
Must use
for indentationsyntax
<target> : <dependencies/prerequisites> <recipe/commands>
main : main.o lib1.o g++ -o main main.o lib1.o
Top-down design¶
Will not be directly tested in exam but you will do a lot better in the coding questions if you know how to apply the rule!
divide problem into sub-tasks
keep dividing sub-tasks to sub-sub-tasks as necessary
work from top level to bottom level
finish bigger picture design before digging into sub-tasks
work iteratively - keep improving the design during development
Object oriented design¶
Will only test very simple concepts.
Identify/diagnose ownerships between classes and members
identify objects and classes (concepts, nouns)
identify states of objects, a.k.a. member variables (concepts, attributes, nouns)
identify behavior of objects, a.k.a. member functions (relationships, verbs)
Frequently Tested Contents¶
Finish coding on paper or in a plain text editor like notepad
Write a full program project in a single cpp file
Write full or part of a modular project
header/cpp pairs and driver/runner cpp file
how includes works
header guards
how to make them work together
how to compile using g++ commands and simple makefile
refer to Lab 2 and Project 1
Write a full function
based on problem description
based on function usages
Pass-by-ref functions, e.g. swap in code example
Write a full class
class declaration
method definitions
both single file or multi-file
based on class usages
Input with validation pattern
Complex expression evaluation - stepwise
Output of a tricky loop/branch
Function overloading and call matching
Pitfalls. Find them in the notes. Some are listed here.
modulo on non-int values
initialization only syntax
& vs &&, | vs ||
switch w/o break
switch on double value
optional {} in if/while/for
empty if/while/for like
if (expr);
wrong syntax of array like
int [] arr
mismatched function call
out of scope use of variables
off-by-one in loops (check border conditions)
infinite loops (missed termination condition)
while loops that checked condition at a wrong place. always use while (true) loop to avoid
; after the } in a class declaration
constructor only syntax
initializer list
no return type
forget MyClass:: prefix in method definitions
use public/private as method prefix rather than sections
complex expressions
step-wise evaluation
precedence rule
implicit conversion
explicit type cast
((3 / 4 + (9 + 3) ) / 3.0 - 3) / ( 1 + (2 * 3)) = ((3 / 4 + 12) / 3.0 - 3) / ( 1 + 6) = ((0 + 12) / 3.0 - 3) / 7 = (12 / 3.0 - 3) / 7 = (4.0 - 3) / 7 = 1.0 / 7 = 0.14... ((17 / 2 + 19 % 3 + 6) >= (5 + 2 * 4)) && !(((4 * 5) + 1) / 2 == (7 / 3 + 2 * 5 - 2) || !(4 >= 3)) = ((8 + 1 + 6) >= (5 + 8)) && !((20 + 1) / 2 == (2 + 10 - 2) || !(4 >= 3)) = (15 >= 13) && !(21 / 2 == 10) || !(4 >= 3) = (15 >= 13) && !(10== 10) || !(4 >= 3) = true && !(true || !true) = false