International Collegiate Programming Contest¶
The International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a multitier, team-based, programming competition. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious programming contests in the world. The contest is open to university students from around the world. The contest is a great opportunity for students to showcase their programming skills and compete against other students from around the world.
Levels of Competition¶
Local Contests
Regional Contests
Reginal Championships
World Finals
Contest Format¶
Teams of three students
Five-hour contest
8-12 problems
Hosted by the CS department and assisted by the ACM student chapter
Participated in the Southeast USA Regional Contest
UWF Teams have performed well in D2 in the past
Upcoming Contests at UWF¶
Nov. 16, 2024
ICPC Resources¶
Kattis for official practice problems
ICPC Preparation¶
GitHub Repositories
Online Judges
LeetCode: problems, discussions, and learning resources
CodeChef: problems, and learning resources
Textbook for references
Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, etc.
Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick, etc.
Competitive Programming 3 by Steven Halim