Graph Traversal Algorithms


Graph traversals are essential techniques for exploring and analyzing graph structures. They involve systematically visiting nodes within a graph to gather information, discover paths, establish connectivity, and unveil relationships. Graph traversals are a key component of many graph algorithms and play a crucial role in solving complex problems involving graphs.

  • Start from a designated source node

  • Visit all reachable nodes in a systematic order

Depth-First Search (DFS)

It explores a graph like walking through a maze, going as far as possible along a branch before backtracking at a dead end or a visited spot.

Algorithm Overview

Depth-First Search (DFS) is a graph traversal algorithm that explores as far as possible along a branch before backtracking at a dead end or visited spot. It starts from a source node and recursively visits neighboring nodes until it reaches the end of a branch before moving on to another branch. DFS is often implemented using a stack or a recursive function call.

Stack-Based Approach

In the stack-based approach, DFS uses a stack data structure to keep track of nodes to be visited. It starts with the source node, pushes it onto the stack, and then repeatedly pops nodes from the stack, explores their neighbors, and pushes unvisited neighbors onto the stack. This process continues until the stack is empty or a specific condition is met.

Recursive Approach

Alternatively, DFS can be implemented using recursion. In this method, a recursive function is called to visit nodes and their neighbors. The function explores a node’s neighbors, calling itself recursively for unvisited neighbors until all reachable nodes are visited. Recursion effectively emulates the behavior of a stack.


DFS traversal using recursion
function dfs(vertex, visited):
  if vertex is not visited:
    mark vertex as visited
    visit(node)  # Perform an action on the vertex

    for each neighbor of the vertex:
      if neighbor is not visited:
          dfs(neighbor, visited)
Iterative DFS traversal using a stack
function dfs(startVertex):
  create a new stack

  push startVertex onto the stack
  mark startVertex as visited

  while the stack is not empty:
    current = pop from the stack
    process(current)  # Perform an action on the current node

    for each neighbor in current.neighbors:
      if neighbor is not in visited set:
        push neighbor onto the stack
        add neighbor to the visited set

Breadth-First Search (BFS)

It explores a graph like a wave of water, spreading out from the source node to all its neighbors before moving on to the next level of neighbors.

Algorithm Overview

Breadth-First Search (BFS) is another graph traversal algorithm that explores a graph in layers or levels. Starting from a source node, BFS visits all its neighbors before moving on to their neighbors, ensuring that nodes at a given level are visited before nodes at the next level. BFS typically uses a queue data structure to manage the order of node exploration.

Queue-Based Approach

In the queue-based approach, BFS uses a queue to keep track of nodes to be visited. It starts with the source node, enqueues it, and then repeatedly dequeues nodes, explores their neighbors, and enqueues unvisited neighbors. This process continues until the queue is empty or a specific condition is met.


BFS traversal using a queue
function bfs(startVertex):
  create a new queue

  enqueue the startVertex
  mark the startVertex as visited

  while the queue is not empty:
    dequeue a vertex from the queue
    process(vertex)  # Perform an action on the vertex

    for each neighbor of the vertex:
      if neighbor is not visited:
        mark the neighbor as visited
        enqueue the neighbor

Comparison between DFS and BFS

Time and Space Complexity

  • Depth-First Search (DFS) generally has a lower space complexity than Breadth-First Search (BFS) because it only needs to store the path from the source node to the current node, while BFS stores all nodes at a given level.

  • In terms of time complexity, both DFS and BFS have \(\Theta(V + E)\) time complexity, where V is the number of vertices (nodes) and E is the number of edges in the graph.

When to Use DFS or BFS

  • Use DFS when you want to explore as deeply as possible before backtracking, such as finding paths and cycles.

  • Use BFS when you need to find the shortest path, explore a graph layer by layer, or perform tasks like minimum spanning tree construction.

Trade-offs and Considerations

  • DFS may be more memory-efficient but can get stuck in deep branches with a high branching factor.

  • BFS ensures the shortest path but may consume more memory due to its queue-based approach.

  • The choice between DFS and BFS depends on the specific problem requirements and constraints.