String (C++ class)


  • string header #include <string>

  • Constructors

  • Common methods

    • at() returns a reference variable so you can assign value to it!

    • size()/length()

    • operator+() allows str1 + str2

    • clear() clears the content of a string

    • empty() check empty

  • I/O

    • read from cin

      • >> extraction

      • getline

         1// when a getline is used after >>
         2// to avoid reading in an empty string
         4int val1;
         5string restOfTheLine;
         7// method 1, recommended in projects
         8cin >> val1;
         9do {
        10  getline(cin, restOfTheLine);
        11} while (restOfTheLine.empty());
        13// method 2, cin.ignore()
        14cin >> val1;
        15// cin.ignore();  // usually enough, clear up to 1 character till the new line
        16cin.ignore(numeric_limits<streamsize>::max(), '\n');  // clear all till the new line
        17getline(cin, restOfTheLine);
        19// method 3, the std::ws manipulate
        20cin >> val1;
        21getline(cin >> ws, restOfTheLine);
        23// method 3a
        24cin >> val1 >> ws;
        25getline(cin, restOfTheLine);
    • write to terminal

      • << insertion

  • string algorithms

    • most are similar to 1d array


  • More methods

    • string::find() find the first occurrence of a character or a sub-string

    • string::substr() extract a sub-string

    • string::push_back() add a character at the end

    • string::insert() insert a string to a position

    • string::replace() replace a sub-string with a string

    • std::to_string() convert a numeric value to a string

    • std::stoi(), std::stod() convert a string to an int or double value

  • Extract data from a string (parsing)

    • alternative method: istringstream

  • Generate (formatted) text based on data

    • alternative method: ostringstream

 1// Patient data with name, age and gender formatted as a string like
 2//   John Smith, 21, Male
 4class Patient {
 5  string name;
 6  age int;
 7  string gender;
 8 public:
 9  void parse(const string &text);
10  string toStr();
13void Patient::parse(const string &text) {
14  int firstComma = text.find(',');
15  int secondComma = text.find(',', firstComma + 1);
16  name = text.substr(0, firstComma);
17  age = stoi(text.substr(firstComma + 2, secondComma - firstComma - 2));
18  gender = text.substr(secondComma + 2, text.length() - secondComma -2);
21void Patient::toStr() {
22  return "Name: " + name + " | Age: " + to_string(age) + " | Gender: " + gender";