Module 6: MPI Case Study, and Pthread


  • POSIX standard: Unix, Linux, BSD, etc.

  • Thread library for POSIX Operating Systems

  • Code

    • pthread.h header file

    • -lpthread linking flag for gcc

  • Types

    • pthread_t thread handle object used to refer to a thread

  • Function as parameter

    • declaration like void *function_name (void * arg);

    • parameter declared like void *(*function_name)(void)

  • API

    • pthread-create create a thread, run the function, return a pthread_t object

    • pthread-join wait for the thread to finish

  • Compilation with gcc

    • -pthread flag, preferred

    • -lpthread old flag, retiring, should put at the very end of the gcc command line

Case Studies

Odd-even transportation sort

  • Modified bubble sort to adapt to parallelization

  • Assuming size N, parallelized on P processes

  • Serial version

    • Phase 0: compare and swap between even element with its right neighbor

    • Phase 1: compare and swap between even element with its left neighbor

    • N rounds to finish

  • Parallelized with MPI

    • Sort the local section first

    • Phase 0: compare and exchange between even process with its right neighbor

    • Phase 1: compare and swap between even process with its left neighbor

N-body MPI

  • Decide the data structure

    • each process stores a whole array of masses

    • computes physical metrics of its share of local particles

    • allgether to collect local position array to global position array