Final Topic Review

The final exam is a take-home quiz. You can use this document as a guide to the reviewing of the book content. You may also use use this outline as a quick reference to find where to locate the book sections when working with on the midterm.


MPI programming

  • Compilation mpicc

  • Execution using mpiexec

  • Environment setup

    • mpi init

    • comm size

    • comm rank

  • Peer-to-peer communication

    • send

    • recv

  • Collective communication

    • broadcast

    • reduce

    • gather

    • scatter

    • allreduce

    • allgather

  • Synchronization

    • barrier

  • Code writing

Pthreads programming

  • Compilation flag -lpthreads

  • APIs

    • pthread_create

    • pthread_join


  • Hadoop basics

  • Word counting example

Parallel performance analysis

  • Metric calculation

    • speedup

    • efficiency

  • Strong/Weak scaling

    • how plots looks like

    • how to plot