Stack and Queue in Java

Common Characteristics

  • Typical ADTs

  • Linear (one after another)

  • Access data from terminal position(s)


  • LIFO (Last In First Out)

  • Behaviors

    • push

    • pop

    • peek

    • isEmpty

  • Implementation

    • linked-list

      • minimal: singly linked-list with a head/first reference variable

    • Array (self study, visualization)


  • FIFO (First In First Out)

  • Behaviors

    • enqueue

    • dequeue

    • peek

    • isEmpty

  • Implementation

    • linked-list

      • minimal: singly linked-list with a head/first and a tail/last reference variables

      • add at tail and remove at head

    • Array (self study, visualization)

Interface and generic

  • Defined as interfaces as they are ADTs

  • Employ generic to support different data types of data