Module 3: Sorting (Elemental, Merge, Quick)


This page only contains the notes for the module. It provides a big picture on the sorting algorithms.

  • Visualizations

    Due to the complexity of the sorting algorithms. Visualizations may greatly enhance the learning process. Below are two useful websites providing visualizations of common algorithms and data structures.

  • Categories

    • Comparison based

      • Best algorithm complexity \(\Theta(n \log n)\)

      • The base type must be comparable (can use >, <, ==, etc.)

      • selection

      • insertion

      • bubble

      • shell

      • quick

      • merge

      • heap - to be covered in the next module

    • Other (special requirements on the data type)

      • Bucket

      • Radix

      • Counting

  • Complexity

    • simple \(\Theta(n^2)\): insert, selection, bubble

    • fast \(\Theta(n \log n)\): quick, merge, heap

    • linear

      • radix \(\Theta(nk) = \Theta(n)\)

      • bucket \(\Theta(n + k) = \Theta(n)\)

  • Storage Space

    • in-place

      • iterative sorting algorithms \(\Theta(1)\)

      • recursive sorting algorithms \(\Theta(\log n)\) to \(\Theta(n)\) (due to the recursion stack)

    • not-in-place (out-of-place)

      • Merge sort \(\Theta(n)\)

Comparison based sorting algorithms

  • In-place swap based sorting algorithms

    • Selection sort

    • Insertion sort

    • Bubble sort

    • Shell sort

  • Divide and conquer sorting algorithms

    • Merge sort

    • Quick sort

  • Hybrid sorting algorithms

    • Divide and conquer to reduce the problem size

    • in-place swap based sorting algorithms to sort when the problem size is small